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Travels in brazil, in the year 1817-1820. Undertaken by command of his majesty the King of Bavaria

Entidade: BNP


L' Amerique en plusiers cartes nouvelles et exactes; et en divers traittez de geographie & d'histoire...

Entidade: BNP


The invalid's guide to Madeira, with a description of Tenerife, Lisbon, Cintra, Mafra, etc., and a vocabulary of the portugueses and english languages

Entidade: BNP


A narrative of the Campaigns of the Loyal Lusitanian Legion, under Brigadier General Sir Robert Wilson...

Entidade: BNP


A narrative of the Campaign of the British Army in Spain, commanded by his excellency Lieut.-General Sir John Moore, K. B. &c. &c. &c. authenticated by official papers and original letters

Entidade: BNP


On the Secondary district of Portugal which lies on the North of the Tagus

Entidade: BNP


The history of the Inquisitions; including the secret transactions of those horrifie tribunals

Entidade: BNP


Letter from Sir Robert Wilson to his Constituents, in refutation of a charge for dispatching a false report of a Victory to the comander in chief of British Army in the Peninsula in the year 1809...

Entidade: BNP


Voyage pittoresque en Espagne, en Portugal et sur la cote d'Afrique de Tanger a Tétouan

Entidade: BNP


Views in Madeira

Entidade: BNP